Citronella Plant

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No one likes getting bitten by mosquitoes. Wouldn’t it be great being outside during the summer without getting bitten by mosquitoes?

There are a variety of plants with essential oils that will repel mosquitoes when crushed and rubbed on the skin, or extracted. Citronella plant has essential oil that can be used as an insect repellant. In order for a plant’s essential oils to repel insects, it must be released through crushing or distillation.

Not to be confused with Lemongrass! Citronella is a zesty herb from the same family as Lemongrass and is famous for its insect-repelling abilities.

It is essential to plant Citronella plant in areas where there is bright filtered sunlight. If you are growing the plant indoors, please ensure that the sun rays can reach the plant on a daily basis. The plant should be exposed to sunlight for at least 6 – 8 hours.

Citronella is demanding, and requires regular watering, especially during the initial stage of cultivation.

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